Welcome to the wild world of Real Estate. I assume at this point you’ve passed your class test, passed your state test, and chosen a broker to hang your license with! Now it is time to drum up leads! Here are 7 marketing tips for real estate agents!
Check out these 7 marketing tips for Real Estate Agents
01. Set up your social media accounts – These days, social media accounts are just as important as websites. These accounts give a personality to the brand. It’s a great way to stay connected with your sphere of influence, show off your current listings or sales, and connect with new people! We suggest a facebook business page, instagram business page, youtube channel, linkedin, twitter, tiktok, and pinterest.
02. Create a website – It is so important to have on online presence in the form of a website. Studies show that even if you are referred by a friend/past client, that potential new client will still visit your website before reaching out. Creating a organized and professional landing page is a great way to impress. Some brokers provide agents with personalized websites, and that works just fine if you are just starting out, but a wordpress or squarespace that you can take with you if you move brokerages is ideal.
03. Create an email list – Creating an email list is a great way to market yourself. You can use this list for monthly newsletters, listing announcements, event invitations, and so much more. Collecting these address can feel daunting, but don’t get overwhelmed. Text or direct message 10 friends/family/acquaintances a day until you feel the list is substantial enough! To organize, you can use something as simple as excel, or something as advanced as flodesk.
Learn how to market as a real estate agent
04. Host or Sponsor an event – Do you have a child in sports? Sponsor the team. Are you part of a knitting club? Have a knit-a-thon and donate the proceeds. Does your partner work at the local fire department? Buy the firefighters lunch. Do you live in an apartment complex with lots of renters? Host a first time home buyers seminar. Hosting an event for the people in your sphere can get you out there and make a lasting impression as a real estate agent.
05. Blog – We talked earlier about having a website of your own. Creating valuable content on that website makes it easier for people who don’t know you, to find you. It’s a great way to drive organic traffic to your business page and generate leads for free.
06. Host an Open House – Even if you don’t have any listings of your own, hosting an open house for another agent can help generate leads. You can then add those leads to your email list, and that will grow your sphere of influence. It’s also a great way to practice interacting with clients and reading MLS information.
07. Send out mailers – Mailers are postcards and letters sent out to neighbors, ideal clients, etc. You can target people in a certain neighborhood you’re looking to farm, or around a current listing you have. The best way to market yourself is with a listing sign, so working leads around your active listing is a great idea!
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