Change is scary, especially when it impacts our financial stability. But there’s more panic about the real estate market right now than there needs to be. That’s why Jasmine Krnjetin with Jasmine Mortgage Team sat down with Heather Dean Frost of Sage and Cedar on the Agent Upgrade podcast to dispel any myths.
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Heather Dean Frost chats with Jasmine Krnjetin of the Agent Upgrade Podcast
Heather and Jasmine chat about the shifting market and how to adjust your business with it! In this podcast we hit 9 major points. Let’s explore!
01. Heather’s background – Jasmine and Heather talk about Heathers start in real estate, the hurdles and how she overcame them. The name of the game in this business is learning from others. Whether it be their success or failures.
02. Why is joining a real estate team an advantage? – Jasmine and Heather dive deep into the team dynamic and what that means for an agent looking to get their start. What can a team do for you? How is it different from going it alone?
03. What can you say to clients to share the reality of the market (and squash myths) – Big topic here! Buyers and Sellers are waiting. What is important for them to know in this period? If it’s the right time for them, what do you say to get them off the fence?
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04. How did Heather transition from a solo agent to leading a real estate team? – Jasmine and Heather discuss the birth of Sage & Cedar. How did we get off the ground, what were the hurdles, what made us want to go it on our own?
05. What are the three buckets of client leads in real estate? – As an agent, where do you look for real estate leads? What’s important to consider if you feel like you’ve hit a brick wall with one source?
06. What are some practical tactics Heather is teaching her agents about the current slowdown? – Here we discuss why it’s important to stay a resource, even in this slowing market. Remaining the name someone says when the topic arises is extremely important. Learn why!
There’s more panic about the real estate market right now than there needs to be.
07. Why social media can humanize your agency and help people remember you. – What creating those know, like and trust feelings can do for you! Making sure people feel confidant in reaching out to you as a friend or client is extremely important.
08. What are the things Heather wished she knew when she started as a real estate agent? – Jasmine and Heather discuss what she would share with her younger self here. What she’s learned in her 8 years of experience and what she passes on to the agents on her team.
09. How can an agent capture the buyer’s journey to share online? Stories matter! – Lastly we talk about getting the word out. The importance of showing you’re an active agent in the business and the best source to draw upon.
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