• Contingencies; and What They Mean for You

    Contingencies; and What They Mean for You

    Making on offer on a home can stir up SO many emotions. Excitement, anxiety, fear, joy, sadness… add to that the stress of trying to decode a purchase and sale contract, and you can quickly get the feeling of being in over your head! Here are 3 of the most common contract contingencies that you may run into during the buying and/or selling of your home

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  • Spring Cleaning during and after a Global Pandemic

    Spring Cleaning during and after a Global Pandemic

    After spending more time than ever inside our homes during the pandemic, spring couldn’t have come soon enough! The season of renewal is upon us, which means it’s time for spring cleaning the clutter, grime and dust that has been collecting all year long.

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  • Preapproval Checklist

    Curious as to what your lender will ask for when applying for a loan? We got you covered! Put these items aside, so when you’re ready.. you ready!

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