HARD TRUTH: Nobody said being in real estate was easy! In fact, not everyone who goes into real estate is successful. But why is that? Well, there are certain factors that CAN lead to success but are sometimes not considered. Check out how to start your career off on the right foot.
Find out how to start your Real Estate Career off on the Right Foot
01. Many new real estate agents don’t start with a plan. You need to set goals and know what you want to achieve before you can achieve them! You can set yearly goals, long term goals, or even weekly goals. Making sure you’re aiming for something will give your day to day more purpose.
02. Sometimes, new agents may forget just how important it is to follow up with clients. Keeping a relationship with clients is crucial for not only building trust, but also getting future referrals. Monthly or quarterly newsletters is a good way to do this. Emails or phone calls every few months will also keep you top of mind.
03. Another important task new agents MUST do is market themselves. Nobody can use your services if they don’t know you’re available. Properly putting your name out there and encouraging clients your way is very important in this industry! Social media is a great way to start, after that, try blogging or creating other online content.
Keeping a relationship with clients is crucial for not only building trust, but also getting future referrals.
04. Lastly, limited experience can be a factor. It can be hard to stay confident or have contacts to reach out to when you’re just starting out. If you find yourself with extra time on your hands, practice showing homes with your friends or family or host a first time home buyers seminar.
With Sage and Cedar, we’ve got all the knowledge, experience, and reliability you’ll need! If you’re looking for a unique and fun group of people to learn from and work with, click here to learn more!