
  • The Importance of Early Home Buying Planning: 6-8 Months to Secure Your Dream Home

    Purchasing a home is a significant milestone that requires careful planning and preparation. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or a seasoned investor, starting the home buying process well in advance can be crucial to securing your dream home. Let’s discuss the importance of early home buying planning and why it’s essential to begin planning to […]

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  • 4 Benefits of Using a VA Loan to Buy a Home

    Purchasing a home is an important milestone for many individuals and families, but it can also be a complex and costly process. Fortunately, for eligible veterans and active-duty military personnel, a VA loan offers a range of benefits that can make the dream of homeownership more attainable. There are 4 Benefits of using a VA […]

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  • Breaking the Myth: You Don’t Need to Put Down 20% to Buy a Home

    Purchasing a home is a dream shared by many, but one major misconception often holds people back: the belief that a hefty 20% down payment is necessary to make homeownership a reality. Fortunately, times have changed, and the real estate landscape has evolved to accommodate a more flexible approach to financing. Let’s break the myth […]

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  • mortgages for teachers and educators

    Mortgages for Teachers and Educators

    As a teacher, you may be struggling to save up for a down payment on a home. Fortunately, there are programs available that can provide down payment assistance specifically for educators! Here’s what you need to know about mortgages for teachers and educators! Learn about Mortgages for Teachers and Educators What is down payment assistance? […]

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  • fico change

    What the new FICO scoring system means for homebuyers

    It’s important to remember that media clickbait can sometimes be misleading, and we shouldn’t always take them at face value. ⁠A recent example of this is the headlines surrounding changing fees on mortgages. While some media outlets may have sensationalized the story by using alarmist headlines, the truth is that mortgage fees do change from […]

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  • 5 hidden costs of buying a home

    5 Hidden Costs of Buying a Home surveyed homebuyers and 44% of them reported that they weren’t aware of all the costs associated with buying a home. Let’s explore five of these hidden costs in detail: closing costs, moving costs, home inspection, title insurance, and potential renovations. 5 hidden costs of buying a home Closing Costs – Closing costs are fees that […]

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  • 4 items you’ll need to collect before applying for a home loan

    4 items you’ll need to collect before applying for a home loan

    There is so much to consider when preparing to purchase a home. If you’ve never done it before the whole process can be daunting. Here at Sage & Cedar, “educate” is our middle name. So let’s take a look at 4 items you’ll need to collect before applying for a home loan.  Let’s take a […]

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  • 6 steps to buy your first investment property

    6 steps to buy your first investment property

    Interested in purchasing an investment property, but don’t know where to start? We are here to break it down for you! Let’s take a look a 6 steps to buy your first investment property! 6 steps to buy your first investment property 01. Decide on a price point⁠ – A good rule of thumb is […]

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  • 3 pre-closing no-no's

    3 Pre-Closing NO-NO’s

    Whether you’re a buyer or an agent looking to help your client get to closing day, knowing what not to do is almost as important as knowing what to do! Pay attention to these 3 pre-closing NO-NO’s to make it to the closing table! ⁠ 3 Pre-Closing NO-NO’s 01. Changing the financial situation⁠ – Changing the […]

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  • what credit score do you need yo purchase a home

    What credit score do you need to purchase a home?

    Your credit score plays a big role in the purchase of your home! It shows how you handle debt and how you keep up with payments. Wondering what credit score do you need to purchase a home? Let’s find out! Click “Play” to follow along! Credit Scores and Purchasing a Home Having a good credit […]

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