
  • We are in a very competitive market right now, which is many times providing sellers multiple offers on their homes. So how do you determine which offer to take? Sometimes the highest offer isn’t the best offer. Here we will show you how to choose the best offer in a multiple offer situation.

    How to choose the best offer in a multiple offer situation

    We are in a very competitive market right now, which is many times providing sellers multiple offers on their homes. So how do you determine which offer to take? Sometimes the highest offer isn’t the best offer. Here we will show you how to choose the best offer in a multiple offer situation.  Click “PLAY” […]

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  • How to sell your home on a BUDGET!⁠

    How to sell your home on a BUDGET!⁠

    Don’t worry, if you’re looking to sell your home, but don’t have much to spare for expensive upgrades and whatnot, there’s still plenty you can do to spruce up your home. Here are some quick ways to increase your home’s curb appeal and sell your home on a budget:⁠ 6 Ways to Sell your Home […]

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  • 7 way to Sell your Home Quicker

    7 way to Sell your Home Quicker

    Sometimes selling your home can take longer than you’d desire. This can be unfortunate if you’re trying to quickly sell your home, maybe because you’re switching jobs or moving very far. Whatever the reason, there are ways to encourage a quicker sale! Let’s see how you can help your home have a better chance at […]

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  • How to Sell your Home in 5 Steps!

    Selling your home is a complicated process. Knowing what to plan for before you list your home is the only way to uncomplicate and streamline everything, Here’s how to sell your home in 5 easy steps! Here is a breakdown of how to sell your home: 01. Prepare your home – This is where you […]

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